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The Do's and Don'ts of a Great Wedding Planning Experience

A wedding is a once-in-a-lifetime event that brings the happy couple and their loved ones together to celebrate their love and commitment. Planning a wedding can be both exciting and daunting, but with the right approach and some helpful tips, it can be a rewarding and memorable experience. Let's explore the do's and don'ts of a great wedding planning experience to help you make your special day and the days leading up to it as perfect as possible.

Bride posing


1. Set a Budget and Stick to It

Before diving into the details of your wedding, it's essential to establish a budget that you and your partner agree on. This will help you make informed decisions about the various elements of your wedding, such as the venue, catering, and entertainment. Be realistic about what you can afford and prioritize the aspects that are most important to you.

Pro Tip: Create a spreadsheet to track your wedding expenses and update it regularly to ensure you stay on budget.

2. Create a Timeline

A well-planned timeline will be your best friend during the wedding planning process. Outline important milestones, such as booking your venue, selecting your wedding party, and sending out invitations. This will help you stay organized and ensure that you don't miss any crucial deadlines.

3. Delegate Tasks

Wedding planning can be overwhelming, so don't hesitate to delegate tasks to friends and family members who are eager to help. Assigning responsibilities will not only lighten your load but also allow your loved ones to feel more involved in your special day.

4. Be Flexible

While it's important to have a vision for your wedding, it's also crucial to remain flexible and open to change. You might encounter unforeseen challenges or discover new ideas along the way, so be prepared to adapt your plans as needed.

5. Take Breaks

Wedding planning can be stressful, so remember to take breaks and enjoy the process. Schedule date nights with your partner or spend time with friends and family to maintain a healthy balance between wedding preparations and your personal life.

6. General Rules:

  • Maintain a sense of humor

  • Maintain open communication with your fiancé and with both sets of parents

  • Be receptive to your parents’ ideas, especially if they are financing the wedding

  • Be flexible and keep within your overall budget.

  • Maintain a regular routine of exercise and eat a well-balanced diet

  • When you create your gift registry consider a price range your guests can afford.

  • Break in your shoes well before your wedding day.

  • Use highly reviewed, preferred, and/or recommended service providers; Or ask for references.

  • Get all vendor agreements in writing

  • Assign your guests to tables according to age, interests, acquaintances, etc.

  • Discuss prenuptial agreements and/or a will

  • Try to spend a little time with each of your guests and personally thank them for coming to your wedding

  • Encourage intermingling between your families

  • Toast to both of your parents at the rehearsal or reception, and thank them

  • Eat well at the reception especially if you will be drinking alcohol

  • Keep smiling. Photographers will be snapping photos consistently throughout the day/night

  • Expect that something may go wrong. But most likely if something does go wrong, your guests will never notice. Relax and don’t let anything bother you on your big day

  • Send a special gift to your parents such as a small album with the best photos of the wedding. Engrave your names and wedding date on it.


1. Don't Procrastinate

Time flies when you're planning a wedding, so avoid procrastination at all costs. Start early and stay on top of your to-do list to minimize stress and last-minute scrambling.

2. Don't Skimp on Photography and Videography

Your wedding photos and videos will serve as cherished memories for years to come, so don't skimp on these important elements. Invest in a professional photographer and videographer to ensure that your special day is captured beautifully.

3. Don't Forget About Your Guests

While your wedding day is ultimately about you and your partner, it's also essential to consider the needs and comfort of your guests. Plan seating arrangements thoughtfully, provide clear directions, and offer a variety of food and drink options to accommodate different preferences.

4. Don't Overwhelm Yourself with DIY Projects

While DIY projects can add a personal touch to your wedding, it's important not to take on more than you can handle. Prioritize a few meaningful projects and enlist the help of friends and family to avoid becoming overwhelmed.

5. Don't Neglect Your Relationship

In the midst of wedding planning, it's easy to get caught up in the details and lose sight of the bigger picture. Remember that the purpose of your wedding is to celebrate your love and commitment, so prioritize time with your partner and maintain open communication throughout the planning process.

6. General Rules:

  • Don’t make any major decisions without discussing it openly with your fiancé

  • Don’t be controlling. Be open to the ideas of others. Wedding stress has a way of creating Bride and Groomzillas. But weddings are joyous occasions and you want everyone to share in your joy.

  • Don’t overestimate or overspend your budget, this can cause a lot of unnecessary stress.

  • Don’t wait until the last minute to hire your service providers. The good ones get booked sometimes more than a year in advance.

  • Don’t try to make everyone happy. It is impossible and will only make things more difficult

  • Don’t try to impress your friends

  • Don’t invite anyone whose presence may make you or your spouse uncomfortable

  • Don't invite more guests than your budget will allow you to accommodate comfortably

  • Don’t rely on friends or family members to photograph or video your wedding. Hire professionals!

  • Don’t assume your service providers know what to do. Give each of them a copy of your detailed timeline

  • Don’t schedule your bachelor or bachelorette party the night before the wedding. Hangovers and weddings don’t mix.

  • Don’t arrive late to the ceremony!

  • Don’t drink too much at the reception, you don’t want to make a fool of yourself on your most special day

  • Don’t rub cake in your spouse’s face during the cake cutting if you know or believe that your spouse may not appreciate it.

  • Don’t allow your guests to drive from the reception if you know they have had too much to drink

  • Don’t overeat at the reception; this may upset your stomach or make you sleepy

  • Don’t leave your reception without saying goodbye to your family and friends

  • Don’t drive if you have had too much to drink at the reception

Need more wedding planning advice and tips? We'd love to help! That Spark Events is a wedding planner in Charleston, SC who would love to hear from you. We plan weddings in Charleston, Savannah, Charlotte, Raleigh, and Destinations Worldwide. Inquire with us today!

Wedding Planning Tips 1

Wedding Planning Tips 2


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